Privacy Policy

Effective date: April 14, 2023
At Detect, we take your privacy seriously. Please read this Privacy Policy to learn how Detect Inc., and its affiliated companies, (“Detect,” “we,” “us,” or “our”) protects and uses any personal information that we may collect through our website (the “Website”).  This Privacy Policy does not cover the collection and use of your information in connection with Detect’s testing platform.  

By using or accessing our Website, you acknowledge that you accept the practices and policies outlined below, along with our Terms of Use, which you should also review.  Any terms we use in this Privacy Policy without defining them have the definitions given to them in the Terms of Use.

What Information Do We Collect and How Do We Use It?

We collect personal information (or information that identifies you) and non-personal information through the Website as described below.

Personal Information that You Volunteer to Us

If you contact us through the Website to ask about our products, inquire about employment or for some other purpose, we will collect your personal information related to that request so that we may respond to your request. For example, if you are interested in job openings at Detect, you may sign up for updates on our Website by providing your email address.

In order to purchase a product, obtain telehealth consultation services, and otherwise receive the most benefit from the Website, you may be required to sign up for an account, volunteer your personal, health and in some cases, your financial information, and login with a username and password. By using the Website, you agree (i) to provide true, accurate, current and complete information when you are prompted to enter information, and (ii) to maintain and properly update your information to keep it true, accurate, current and complete. If you provide information that is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, you may not receive the full benefit of the Website or any benefit, for that matter.

If you are obtaining a product or services through the Website at the instruction of your employer, we may be required to share your personal or health information with your employer. In most cases, you will be required to authorize any disclosures by Detect to your employer, so be sure to read any consent and authorization forms carefully before signing them so that you understand what you are agreeing to. Detect is not responsible for any employment ramifications that you may experience because you did or did not authorize the disclosure of your information to your employer.

Federal and state laws protecting your personal and health information apply in different ways to different entities involved in your care. For example, Detect might not be subject to the same privacy and data security laws as its provider partners, such as PWN Health or other health care providers. Detect will comply with all applicable privacy laws and will in all cases take reasonable steps to ensure the privacy and security of your personal and health information as required by law.

If you are an institutional purchaser, you will be required to create an account that accurately reflects your institution’s information and to create a username and password for that account.  When you create an account for your institution, you are representing that i) you have the authority to act on behalf of your institution; and ii) the information that you are providing is complete and correct.

Information Automatically Collected on our Website

When you visit our Website, we automatically collect your IP address, browser, and device characteristics, operating system, language preferences, referring URLs, device name, country, location, information about how and when you use the Website and other technical information.  This information does not reveal your identity, and we only use it to operate and maintain the security of the Website, and for our internal analytics and reporting purposes.

How Do We Use and Disclose your Information?

In order to provide products and services through the Website, Detect and its health care provider and other partners may use and disclose your personal and health information as permitted by law. Examples of how we use your personal and health information include:
We may de-identify your personal and health information and use the de-identified information for our own business development purposes or to collaborate with others. De-identified information is information that cannot be associated back to you.

Third Party Vendors

We have contractual agreements with affiliates, services providers, partners, and other third parties who may use the information described in this policy to operate our Website, and to develop our business, market, and provide our products. Any information collected or used by third party vendors is limited to the collection described in this policy, and may be used only for the purposes described.

Any credit card, debit card or other monetary transactions through our Website are conducted through our payment vendor Stripe. You can read about Stripe’s privacy, information security practices on Stripe’s website.

Legal Process, Security, Defense, Protection

Occasionally, we may be required to share information with third parties for legitimate business purposes, or to comply with legal obligations.  For example, we may share information when we believe in good faith that an applicable law requires it; at the request of law enforcement, judicial authorities (e.g. upon receipt of a court order or subpoena), or appropriate governmental authorities; to detect and protect against fraud, or any technical or security vulnerabilities; to respond to an emergency; or otherwise to protect the rights, property, safety or security of third parties, visitors to our Website, our businesses, or the public.

Change in Control or Sale

We may choose to buy or sell intellectual property assets, and may share and/or transfer customer information in connection with the evaluation of and entry into such transactions. Also, if we (or our assets) are acquired, or if we go out of business, enter bankruptcy, or go through some other change of control, personal information could be one of the assets transferred to or acquired by a third party.  However, we note that any entity acquiring our business or assets would have an obligation to use the personal information that comes with it strictly in accordance with this Privacy Policy.  You acknowledge that such transfers may occur, and that any acquirer of us or our assets may continue to use your personal information only as set forth in this policy, unless you are informed otherwise.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to revise this Privacy Policy at any time by amending this page and changes will be effective upon being posted unless we advise otherwise. If we make any material changes to this Privacy Policy we will notify you by means of a notice on our Website prior to the change becoming effective. If you do not accept the terms of this Privacy Policy, we ask that you discontinue use of our Website.


If you have questions on the processing of your personal information, or have a complaint, please contact us here: